Be Nerdy, Get Herby
nerd up on one herb every month
This week marks the beginning of my herb of the month column. Within the first week of every month, I will be showcasing a medicinal herb. The write-ups on each herb may be more on the serious side, but I want you to have reliable information that you can use as a resource for your own herbal learning. There’s a lot of misleading stuff on the web (especially in the natural health department), and companies selling a certain product may bias the information they present. One should always be suspicious of online information that’s next to a cheesy internet ad for the herbal version of Viagra.
So push up your glasses and sharpen your favorite #2 pencil for October’s featured herb of the month: valerian.
Enjoy More Archerfriendliness
Photo by my friend, Gregory Bodwell. The most popular social beverages happen to be the ones that slug up your liver. There are numerous other drinks to pick on, like soda, and even worse, diet so...
We read about Lachie MacLachlan and his bairns of 10 last week when the girls had the sniffles, so I had to put that bairns word in the title (forgive me). Selah didn't like the bairns book until...
I still remember when my interstitial cystitis symptoms came to a head. I had been noticing ongoing bladder pain after I drank coffee for several months, but this time, it felt like I had a t...