Are You a Relational Scrooge?
are you generous with your love towards others?
If your generosity was measured by what you give emotionally, rather than what you give financially, would you be a scrooge or a philanthropist?
Recently, a colleague of mine unexpectedly broke the rules. It wasn’t a big bad mistake, nor was it something to gloss over. The consequence affected me, but only minimally. You would think by looking at me that in my heart, I was all smiles towards her, that my thoughts towards her were benevolent. Nope.
I secretly gave her the stink eye. I had no compassion. I withheld loving affection towards her in my mind and heart. In my scroogey tally book, she got a mark. I refused to dole out heart generosity, the kind of generosity that comes in the form of words and thoughts instead of money and things.
Emotional generosity.
I later apologized to her for being a stingy heart miser.
Where have you been a relational scrooge? Where can you be generous with your words and thoughts?
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February 27th, 2012 at 10:22 am
Beautifully said Archer. ‘heart generosity’ ’emotional generosity’ something to really reflect on. Thank you.
aunt lisa
February 27th, 2012 at 1:23 pm
i like the way your posts really make a person look at the whole truth. Te truth that sometimes only GOD can see.