
Triple Ginger Coconut Milk Ice Cream

triple ginger coconut milk ice  cream

In light of the herb of the month, I have a treat for you!  Triple Ginger Coconut Milk Ice Cream.  Best dairy free ice cream I’ve ever had.

In this homemade ice cream, ginger manifests its herbal self in 3 powerful ways:  dried, fresh, and crystallized.  This results in a spicy trinity of tastiness that swoons your tongue for more.  The golden goo made by the bees sweetens the deal with just the right balance, and the chewy crystallized ginger pieces add the perfect texture variation.

I’ve already written all about how amazing ginger is, but to refresh your memory, I’ll remind you that it’s excellent for nausea, motion sickness, digestion, and even painful periods.  So yes, you can eat this ice cream if you are pouting at home in sweats from nauseating cramps.  This ice cream is more than a dessert.  It has medicine in it.  How could this ice cream not be my favorite, with all this hippie medicine in it with no compromise in flavor or texture?

I am a sweetener minimalist, and most of the food here at archerfriendly reflects that.  But this ice cream?  It’s special.  It has a bit more sweetener than most of the things I make.  That means it is a very special treat to be eaten on rare occasions.  If I’m going to splurge on something sweet, this is what I want it to be.  Medicinal ice cream sweetened with honey and made with pure, organic ingredients.  This is quality, allergy friendly ice cream (if you’re not allergic to eggs!).

Speaking of eggs, please be warned that consumption of raw eggs could lead to food poisoning.  You can minimize this by using a food thermometer to test the temperature of your ice cream prior to cooling it.

This would be a top notch dessert for your a-f Thai themed dinner party.  For the main course, you could make red thai curry in your crock-pot.  As an appetizer, you could serve Tom Kha Gai Soup.  You could even make date sweetened cardamom black bean brownies to serve with the ice cream (recipe coming!).  Cardamom is Thai, too, not just Indian.  And it’s medicinal… I just turned your Thai dinner party into a therapeutic retreat!

When the fresh ginger is infused in organic, full fat coconut milk, it creates an olfactory experience that will make you inpatient for the final product.  You might be tempted to taste it, just like it’s pictured below.  When it’s complete, you will also be impressed at how easily it scoops…just like normal-person ice cream.  In fact, offer some to your normal-person friends and see how much they like it.

ginger infused ice cream strainer

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One Response

  1. Ruth

    Looks like an awesome treat! Can’t wait to try it!


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